When a rescued kitten is feral it can take some time to make him become friendly and an amazing family pet. One shelter came up with a way to make the process way faster and a lot more fun.
“Kitten Bjorn” is an idea of staffers at the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) who wanted to find a solution to make feral kittens to become friendly faster. Staff and volunteers can wear “Kitten Bjorn” that has a little mesh pouch on the front for kittens to sit in, so that they can experience the world around them while whoever is carrying them goes about their daily duties.
“The idea was to have something that allow the kittens to socialize, and be hands-free, thus allowing staff and volunteers to multi-task (answering phones, talking with clients etc.),” Michael DeFina, communications and media relations officer at ARL Boston, told The Dodo. “The design allows the kitten to be flooded with stimuli in a safe way while being constantly monitored by whoever is wearing the vest. Three were made and we are looking to make more.”
ARL has been using the vests for the past seven years, and they hope to make more vests that they can use. Since they started using the vests, the process of socializing feral kittens is much faster. They make feral kittens ready for adoption in just 48 hours, and sometimes even sooner.
Source: TheDodo.