Regina Humane Society Introduces iPads For Cats Program!

Felines in Saskatchewan, Canada, are the latest to join the future technology trend: ipads for cats!

In stead of playing with cat toys and enjoying cat nip, the cats from the Regina Humane Society can now digitally hunt their prey for play. The tech toys can help the sheltered cats to tap into their kitty instincts. The program is meant to keep cats active and stimulate them mentally.

“It’s a new program for us, but it’s certainly not a new program for cats,” said Lisa Koch, executive director of the Regina Humane Society.

“Owned cats around the world have apps that they play with on their owners [iPads], and it’s something that we’ve adopted here at the Humane Society for cats who don’t have families to make the environment that they’re living in more stimulating for them mentally.”

“Cats love to hunt and stalk things, and what these programs do is they give the cats the opportunity to do that on the iPads,” Koch said.